Tour Guide Community of the Tower of David Jerusalem Museum
To create a supportive space for tour guides interested in visiting and guiding at the Tower of David Jerusalem Museum, through programming and aids, continuing education and training sessions, discounts and more. Tour guides are our partners, and we want to learn from your experiences at the Museum and hear your clients’ feedback about the Museum.
Membership in the community requires participation in a free continuing education session about the renewed Museum. Membership allows access to unique benefits.
Community coordinator, Dr. Itay Gat, is at your service. Itay is available for questions, consultation, comments and requests. Phone: 054-567-5009 | email: [email protected]
Exclusive benefits:
- Online access to guiding materials of the Museum, such as: archaeological catalog, collection of sources, information on the exhibits and more.
- Updates on Museum events, by email and through an admin-only WhatsApp group.
- Advance registration for the Museum’s continuing education sessions and activities.
- Priority for receiving headsets for guiding in the Museum, with prior arrangement.
- Priority for receiving guiding aids for guiding the observation point, the Kishle, and the Citadel.
- Discount of 1 NIS per ticket on the entrance fee for the Museum, observation point or the Night Experiences, compared to the price list for Tour Guides (Tour Organizers).
- Discount of 10% on registration for Tower of David continuing education sessions for tour guide license renewal, recognized by the Ministry of Tourism.
- Personal discount of 15% at the Museum store and the coffee house, upon presentation of the tour guide community sticker on your tour guide license.
Join the Tower of David Jerusalem Museum Tour Guide Community!
To arrange visits through the reservations center: *2884 | [email protected]
Check with the tour guide community organizer about eligibility for membership in the community. Tour guide community organizer: Itay Gat, phone: 054-5665009 | email: [email protected]