Above and Below - Dreams and Crises
9th of Av evening at the Tower of David, in conjunction with the Jerusalem Secular Yeshiva
Some important details
Date and time
Hebrew only:
Monday, August 12 | 8:00pm doors open
Free, advanced registration required
Tower of David Jerusalem Museum
On the 9th of Av evening at the Citadel, the event “Up and Down” will be presented for the second consecutive year in conjunction with the Jerusalem Secular Yeshiva.
The event will focus this year on the topic “Dreams and Crises” and will include meeting with spiritual, creative people who will discuss Jerusalem. Hear about the works describing Jerusalem that especially influenced them, contemplate the meetings of cultures and religions in the city, attend thoughtful workshops with musical accompaniment, and tour in the Citadel among the ancient stones of Jerusalem.
Consider upper Jerusalem of ideas, songs and discussions, as well as lower Jerusalem, of the everyday, the Underground and creativity. Between destruction and renewal, discover Jerusalem and its many facets.
8:00pm Doors open
8:30pm Opening ceremony
9:15-9:45pm First session
10:00-10:30pm Second session
Free | Advanced registration required