Traveling through a Map
Tour of the Historical Maps of Jerusalem
Some Important details
Date and time
Hebrew only:
June 27 | 2:00pm
Tour Length: 2 hrs
40 NIS
Rachel Cohen
Throughout history, Jerusalem was drawn and depicted in different ways, including through maps of the city.
Whether reflecting an ideal or a physical reality, Jerusalem received a new shape in every map that was drawn, from a geographical-scientific basis or a theological philosophy.
On the tour, examine maps from the 6th century until the beginning of the modern era and try to locate sites depicted on it. Look at maps of heavenly Jerusalem and earthly Jerusalem, get to know them and their creators, and look for the actual sites in the world that they created.
Hear about the Bünting Cloverleaf Map, Madaba Map, Crusader maps and the impressive model of Jerusalem made by Stephan Illes, and visit the new map exhibit in the Cardo.
Meeting Point: Tower of David Jerusalem Museum
Advance registration required | Number of spaces is limited
Photo credit: Eran Laor Map Collection