Germany on the Jerusalem Skyline
Germans in the Old City
Some Important details
Date and time
Hebrew only:
June 27, June 29 | 10:00am
Tour Length: 3 hrs
40 NIS
Inbal Shimon
A tour focusing on the activities of the Germans in Jerusalem during the second half of the 19th century, when the German community became one of the strongest, influential communities in the city.
During those years, the Templers established their community, known as the German colony. Their religious organizations founded hospitals, orphanages, and schools. Members of the community were active in the city and their influence on it was wide-reaching.
On the tour we will follow important community members and buildings that were built for the German community in the city.
Begin at Jaffa Gate, that was breached because of the visit of Kaiser Wilhelm II; continue to Christ Church, home to the original models of researcher Conrad Schick; enter the Maronite monastery, place of the German Deaconess Hospital; visit the Church of the Redeemer, the Lutheran church that was dedicated during the visit of Wilhelm II; and finish in St. John’s Hostel in the Christian Quarter.
Meeting point: Tower of David Jerusalem Museum
Tour includes entrance to churches, please dress modestly (no sleeveless shirts or shorts)
Advance registration required | Number of spaces is limited